Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Big Wheels Wednesday

Today we were allowed to bring something with big wheels for Big Wheels Wednesday. We had lots of fun riding around the netball courts (being careful not to crash into anyone!) and talking and writing about our big wheel items. We wrote some similes about how fast we could go. Check them out and leave us a comment to tell us what you think!

My scooter was as fast as a cheetah sprinting for its prey. KCS
My bike was as fast as the strong wind. RW
The scooter was as fast as a dolphin diving in the water. KM
My scooter is as fast as a mermaid swimming. HG
The scooter was as fast as a cheetah running. KO
My scooter was as fast as a huge cheetah that is hungry. MH
My scooter is as fast as a dog running. CV
My bike is as fast as a speedboat. BC
My bike is as fast as a shark chasing a fish. CB
My go kart was as fast as a cheetah sprinting. LM
My scooter was as fast as a motorbike. PA
My skateboard was as fast as a jet plane. KB
My scooter was as fast as a cheetah running. CW


  1. These are great similes about going fast. I think my favourite might be 'as fast as a huge cheetah that is hungry'!!!

  2. Wow Room 1, you are so clever writing similies and you have done lots of thinking and talking about them. I will have to show Room 10 tomorrow - they will be very impressed. I love dolphins so I like that simile and the one about the wind because I love walking in the wind. Keep up your fantastic work :) :)
